Whanau Kurarangi/PTA
Waimana School relies on the goodwill of parents to assist in raising funds to ensure that the school can provide the best possible learning resources and environment for children. You will be informed of these via newsletter.
Whanau Kurarangi 2018 | Position |
Matthew Titoko | Chairperson |
Pirita Titoko | Vice Chairperson |
Lauralee Hillman | Secretary |
Kitewai Ratu | Treasurer |
Janie Kaafi | Staff Representative |
Marewa Titoko | Board of Trustees Representative |

Fundraising Group | Whanau Kurarangi
We have a very dedicated group of parents who work hard throughout the year to develop and co-ordinate fundraising events that benefit the students of Waimana School. We encourage your support with our fundraising ventures as many hands make light work.